Bridgework - Cosmetic Fillings - Dental Bonding - Dental Crowns - Dental Sealants - Dental Veneers - Dentures - Invisalign - Root Canal Therapy - Teeth Cleanings - Teeth Whitening - Tooth Extractions
Dr Wayne Holness
- Clinics Name: London City Dentists
- Doctors Position: Principal Dentist
- Degrees: BSc University of Birmingham 1991
Wayne qualified from Leeds Dental Institute in 1996. He has worked in general dental practice in Richmond, Surrey, and Bristol and as a Senior House Officer in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Bristol Dental School. “I believe in minimally invasive treatment when treating pain, function or aesthetics.
“My approach is simple and straightforward. I want my patients to have strong, healthy teeth and to make them look as attractive as possible. Longer-term, my treatment centers on prevention and maintenance. In the future, when people talk about “British teeth”, I want them to mean “excellent teeth”.”
10 Lloyd's Ave, Tower Hill, London EC3N 3AX, United Kingdom
Opening Hours
Open Now
08:30am - 05:00pm
08:30am - 05:00pm
08:30am - 05:00pm
08:30am - 05:00pm
08:30am - 05:00pm
January 23, 2025
2:34 pm